What is your favorite meal? Describe it.
My favorite meal is homemade baked rigatoni - especially if my husband makes it so I don’t have to! 

Favorite movie of all time?
My all time favorite movie is Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. It’s so awful, it’s good!

How do you take your coffee?
Double shot of espresso with dark chocolate syrup, two and a half pumps of sugar-free hazelnut syrup and 6 ounces steamed coconut milk, please.

Favorite genre of reading material?
Young adult fiction. I can’t wait until my daughter, Scarlett, is old enough to read the same books as me so we can have a little book club! 

What is your favorite vacation spot?
Anywhere relaxing with my family - and a good book!

Favorite California activity?
Reading at the beach or by the pool. Bonus points if it’s cold outside with no sun on me. 

Favorite Bible verse?
Proverbs 3:5

Favorite Cold Drink?
Cool water, no ice. 

Favorite Holiday?
I LOVE Valentines Day! I’m just a sucker for red and pink and hearts and chocolates and love. 

Any other fun facts you’d like to share about yourself?
I’m absolutely a night owl but my favorite time of day is first thing in the morning, drinking coffee and having a bagel with my husband.